

Walltrax is a brand new educational toy on the market, proudly South African, where everything is made in Cape Town. This toy has been invented by a father, who wanted to design a toy for his 3 year old son to keep him busy longer than 10 minutes. Walltrax was created and resulted in a highly successful and stimulating educational toy. Join, Stick, Create and Play!

Walltrax covers all the aspects with the development of a child’s brain. It forces a child to use their brain, to become creative, use their imagination, planning, problem solving and keep on trying till they get it right. Walltrax is not a fix toy and because you can manipulate the toy your child will be constantly intrigued of what will happen next.

1 Set includes: 16 X Flexible plastic tracks (4m in total), 4 Glow in the dark balls, and mounting putty

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It has been proven by therapists that with today’s lifestyle filled with various electronic equipment, children are truly struggling to become creative and use their imagination as this is not required from them when playing video games etc. We as parents have to teach them all these skills while they are young as this will support them in adulthood.

The tracks have been designed that a child can use a normal marble as well, you can teach your kids that there is a difference between a glass marble & plastic ball (weight, speed) so some track designs might have to be adjusted in order for the marble to finish the total track.  The glow in the dark balls are great fun for evening play.

You can build it against a wall, behind a door, cupboard, fridge or any surface where the mounting putty will stick. Take note to knead your peace of mounting putty before applying it on your track in order to stick better and longer.

Walltrax provides great fun for young & old. The older your child the more advance they will design & build their tracks. You can go around from the one wall to the other, loops etc. It is endless what you can do and it is amazing to see the interesting designs people come up with!

One box is ideal as an entry level to introduce this toy to a child younger than ± 6. If you have older or more than one child, we recommend 2 boxes. Walltrax is an expandable toy, the more pieces you have, the more you can build and the more fun you will have.

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