‘n Olifanter Majanter


Almal hou van Juffrou Alletea. Sy is die lekkerste juffrou ooit! Karel maak vir haar ‘n botteltjie wonderwater aan, en Nancy teen teken vir haar ‘n pragtige prent van ‘n olifanter-majanter. Maar toe die wonderwater per ongeluk op die prent uitloop, word die olifanter-majanter regtig… en hy sluk vir Juffrou Alletea in!

When Nancy decided to draw a picture of an Elephanter-Gelanter to give to her teacher…..the creature came alive by accident!  And it swallowed teacher Alletea.  Now the children need to follow the creature to the Land of Gelanters to save their teacher before it is too late…

SKU N/A Category

Additional information

Weight 0.09 kg
Dimensions 14 × 12 × 1 cm



Anna Emm




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